Because I love creating new cheesecakes,
and I saw the new Apple Pie Oreos,
and I had never made anything with
my Apple Crown
and it was fall…
this cheesecake was meant to be!
Grab a package of the new Apple Oreos…
Blend the Oreos in your food processor with the graham crumbs
and melted butter to make the scrumptious crust!
Spray your 9″ cheesecake pan with nonstick spray…
add the blended crumbs for the crust…
press evenly along the bottom and a bit up the sides…
set aside while we sauté the apples…
In your skillet, add the diced apples,
butter, brown sugar, cinnamon…
cook over medium heat until soft…
Add 1 TBSP Apple Crown….
In a few more moments,
they will look scrumptious like this!
This is going to be your secret ingredient
added to the cheesecake batter!
The goat cheese is going to give your cheesecake
a rich and more creamy texture,
but it won’t have the strong goat cheese flavor….
Cross my heart!
When your batter is all mixed, pour 1/2 the cheesecake batter over the crust…
drop the apples over the batter..
Pour the remains batter over the apples
and carefully spread to the edges…
wrap your pan twice in heavy duty foil..
set inside of a larger baking pan and pour
water half way up the sides…
Bake on 350 degrees for 60 minutes…
refrigerate the cheesecake in the spring-form pan overnight..
Meanwhile we are going to make the candies pecans …
With your mixing bowl, combine the egg white, water and brown sugar…
Add the pecans and give them a stir…
Sprinkle the spices over next and make sure the pecans are totally coated…
Spread on your baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes, stirring once or twice…
careful not to let them burn…
They will be absolutely amazing like this!
Break them up into smaller pieces and place in a plate or pan to cool completely…
When ready to serve, pour the caramel over the cheesecake…
top with the candied spiced pecans…
I even threw an apple on mine for good measure!
I believe a caramel apple would be even more over the top!
Slice and enjoy!